2013年8月23日 星期五

Mountain #5 Media The mountain of blessing

Media and Entertainment

Mountain #5 Media   The mountain of blessing
Prayer Points for the Media Mountain
1. Repenting through the efficacious blood for:
  • A willingness to remain ill-informed about historical, constitutional, and social facts
  • Allowing the truth of scriptures to be removed from the public sector
  • Sins of corrupt leagues between the civil rulers and the media
  • Unjust alliances between mammon and media
  • Unethical standards in both media producers and media consumers
  • Preference of entertainment over substantive reporting
  • Failure to act upon information to correct the injustices that have been exposed
2. Denouncing demonic influence of kingpins, corruption, and violence by:
  • Condemning lies of the enemy that pervert the good ways of the Lord
  • Breaking leagues between large media behemoths that promote anti-Christ agendas and the propagation of falsehoods
  • Nullifying actions that seek to destroy 1st Amendment Rights
  • Binding violence against investigative reporters who seek to expose corruption, whether that violence comes in the form of harassment, lawsuits, jail, or physical harm
  • Petitioning God to expose corruption in high places and dismantle systems perpetuating malfeasance
  • Standing against any propaganda machine that is compliant with a socialist agenda
3. Proclaiming and releasing light by:
  • Releasing the pre-conditions for a watchdog press, which are; Constitutional and legal protections for a free press, Access to information, Laws that facilitate rather than impede investigations
  • Claiming wisdom to balance national security with the people’s right to know
  • Invoking the fear of God, which is the beginning of wisdom
  • Discharging light to reveal and expose things hidden in darkness that harm society
  • Calling forth new media outlets that will be carriers of good new
  • Asking for God’s favor upon the righteous within the media mountain
  • Requesting that abundant finances will flow to righteous media outlets
  • Blessing the faithful stewards of the media mountain
Mountain # 6 Entertainment (Celebration)
Prayer Points for the Entertainment Mountain
1. Repenting through the efficacious blood for:
  • Living in a spirit of asceticism and, thus, abandoning the Church’s influence in the entertainment mountain
  • Eating a Jezebel’s table by partaking of the godless and idolatrous aspects of entertainment
  • Idolizing false stars and seeking to mirror their fashions and lifestyles
  • Forsaking the use of creative arts as part of church worship and replacing the sights and sounds of the Halal with dead form and lifeless rituals
2. Denouncing demonic influence of kingpins, corruption, and violence by:
  • Nullifying the effects of counterfeit worship on the hearts of lost
  • Binding a spirit of seduction that draws souls to counterfeit sights and sounds
  • Silencing the voice of the false profit released through counterfeit worship
  • Standing against immoral life styles and unclean practices promoted through entertainment
  • Asking God to expose kingpins and their routes associated with sex trafficking
  • Denouncing strip clubs and pornography outlets
  • Breaking the national affection for celebration of Mardi Gras
  • Freeing the next generation from godless music, body art, and piercing
3. Proclaiming and releasing light by:
  • Offering worship in spirit and in truth that incorporates the sights and sounds of Ps. 150
  • Structuring the atmosphere though spirit-led, passionate worship
  • Reclaiming the arts for worship of the church
  • Reclaiming the artists for occupation of the entertainment mountain
  • Calling forth God’s gifts of creativity within people to be used for His glory
  • Claiming the tools of industry production be transferred into the stewardship of the righteous
  • Releasing of new stories, creative uses of technology, and innovations in production for the use of entertainment that edifies people and glorifies God.
  • Asking God to promote many people with a heart of worship to take leadership roles in the entertainment mountain