2013年8月23日 星期五



1.  Strategic prayer initiative for the arts, media, fashion, and entertainment industries:   One of our goals at the Order is to get 24/7 prayer around the world that will shift the people in these culture shaping entities to people that are followers of our God and King or at least live by the universal laws He set into motion when He created the universe, so they will release good, wholesome, quality artwork into our cultures through every thing they create.
We will be creating prayer directives on our site that can be downloaded.  Also there will be materials that can be purchased for focused prayer to pass out in Church's or prayer groups.

2. Prayer Rallies:  we will be hosting prayer rallies, first locally and eventually around the world where the Body of Christ can meet together and corporately pray for the Seven Mountains of Influence in their region and nation.  The Order of the Saints of the Holy One will be hosting the prayer for the arts, media, fashion and entertainment industries and there will be other leaders hosting prayer for the other Six Mountains of Influence.  Click here Seven Mountain Mandate to learn more about the seven mountains of influence.
  The arts will be very present there to declare our wondrous God and King  in all of His glory!  Our Principle Players will be an integral part of this and the local artists will also participate through their giftings.
The Order of the Saints of the Holy One is totally dedicated to setting captives free and shifting the cultures of the world from darkness to Light through the arts, media, fashion and entertainment industries.3. Fellowship of Christian Artists:  soon we will be hosting a regional monthly meeting for everyone in the arts or called to support the arts. Our goal is to unite the artistic regional Body of Christ so that artistic expressions and ideas can be shared.  We also hope to see some incredible, regional, collaborative celebrations of our breathtaking God and King come together through our getting to know each other.  We long to see a true artistic community begin to be formed where we can love, support, and encourage each other.We will help all those interested to grow into spiritual maturity, know who they are personally in Christ and what their destiny call on their life is. The Lord has shown us that this will eventually become the Worldwide Fellowship of Christian Artists.  Our community will grow chiefly through the use of the internet.  Artists and supporters of the arts will be able to connect with each other through a beautiful website where what we do in the local chapters will be done internationally as well!  What an exciting time in history we have been born into!  What an incredible King we serve!  Isn't our Father wonderful?  And oh, the beauty of our Best Friend, Holy Spirit!  What we are about to accomplish is going to radically change the world!  Praise our great and awesome God!  All glory to You oh Lord!

4.  "Foundations": the internet show we will be hosting in the near future. We will teach growth to maturity teaching for the artists.  There will be informative material that will help you jump into the part of the Celebration mountain our King is calling you to. We will have interviews with people in the arts, media, fashion, and entertainment industries that love the Lord, guest artists, interactive contests and lots of fun!