2013年8月23日 星期五

The Worldwide Fellowship of Christian Artists "Fellowship of the Burning Hearts" Artist's Guild of the Order of the Saints of the Holy One Vision Statement


Worldwide Fellowship of Christian Artists
"Fellowship of the Burning Hearts"
Artist's Guild of the Order of the Saints of the Holy One
Vision Statement

We are consecrated artists and supporters of the arts, chosen by our King, the Lord Jesus Christ, to blaze forth the light of the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven to the next generation, that will set them free from the culture of darkness that has engulfed them.  With the total commitment of the Order of the Saints of the Holy One to protect, nurture, and guide us, we will, standing with them in a divinely orchestrated alliance, produce anointed, power filled, structure destroying people, who will, together, create art and entertainment products that will change the cultures of the world.

One for all and all for One!

Worldwide Fellowship of Christian Artists
 "Fellowship of the Burning Hearts"

  If you read Gail's life story under the  Home button of how her King has led her, you would see that on 09/21/01 He spoke to her and said that He was going to use her to form a worldwide fellowship of Christian artists. She patiently waited for His go ahead to form the fellowship He wanted. 

So far we know that the Guild is to be protected, nurtured, and overseen by the Order to keep the artists safe and free to do the work their King is calling them to as they continue to grow into the likeness of their King through the prayers and shepherding of the Order. 
The Guild is to be a place of fellowship and community for all God's artists to grow strong spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and be encouraged in their art form to become all their King has destined them to become.


King Jesus is calling us to begin to gather the artists together that have a vision to create new, cutting edge, anointed, structure destroying television programs and movies that are free of the demonic and have impartation and anointing flowing out of them into the people that watch them. We need to create movies that reveal the supernatural realm of Heaven that is being released at this hour in unprecedented ways on the earth.  

There are many movies in theatres today that actually have demons assigned to them that are released into the people when they view the movie.  Gail Ciarrachi and many other children of God are seers and can actually see the demons coming out of the movie and going into the people viewing it.  This also happens through the television!  (If you saw a movie that left you feeling weird or you just know that something came into you from that movie just ask the Lord to forgive you for watching it, tell Him you repent from watching evil films, and in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth command all demons that attached themselves to you from that movie to be bound and leave you.  Say it with force and conviction knowing who your holy King is and they must leave.  You should command them at least 2-3 times to leave and then ask the Holy Spirit to fill every place that they vacated with Himself.)

We need to start creating movies that release holy angels onto everyone who views them. We need to bring them into encounters with Father God, King Jesus, and the Holy Spirit through the anointings released through the movies anointed artists have written, directed, produced and acted in.  We need to start using our  supernatural technology that the Lord created to enable His artists to bless mankind with which the evil ones have subverted and have been using for years to contaminate and destroy the human race with.  

We are called by our King to start creating anointed television programs for the children of the world.  

As the world gets darker, families will even struggle to put bread on the table.  The stress of those that do not get their provision from the King of Kings will flow down into the children. The children will bear the brunt of much of what the evil is releasing in this moment in time.  The pressure in the family units will increase and many will fall apart. The evil on the television and in movies is escalating astronomically.  These children need a safe place on a network where they can sit and get loved on by the God that created them and most assuredly  wants them to find Him. They can meet with Him through our programming throughout the day and be nourished from the supernatural realm as the rest of their families fall apart.  They can then arise and be a blessing to their families, setting their brothers and sisters free and even their parents.   We will coordinate internet websites to flow with the television programming to continue their education.  We will shift the cultures of the earth as we bring the children into our Kingdom of Love where they can be held in the arms of Father God, never to fear again.

Video games will be created that carry such an anointing of Heaven upon them that the people who play them will come face to face with our King/God and be saved right there on the spot!

There are artists called by our King to design new clothing with a Kingdom of Heaven focus and "the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" message to proclaim on and through the clothing.  The Word of God will be released on clothing in anointed, very creative, never before seen ways, that will capture the attention of the melleniel generation.  There are also artists called to create heavenly jewelry that has never been seen before.  He is calling His artists to create a new Kingdom culture on the earth through every single medium thinkable.  We are going to take the culture of this world over with radical art that sets people free and reveals to them the marvelous light of the Kingdom of Heaven and it's glorious King, the Lord Jesus Christ!

 There will be the local day to day life in the Order where the artists create the artwork, garments, jewelry, flags, banners, etc. that the Order will have need of.  Scripts will be written for the performing arts troupe to use to bless the Order and evangelize the region.  Musicians,singers, dancers and actors will all work together to help us all worship our King with great beauty and power. The chefs will make fabulous meals for our outreach feasts and other events and those gifted with service will help put all of these things together beautifully.  The entertainers will entertain at the outreach feasts and whenever else they feel led by their King.  Many of the artists will reach out into the region and let the larger Body of Christ access their gifts for their needs.  We will be introducing many unique, ancient art forms for those in the Order and the Guild to learn as enjoyable ways to spend their personal time working on together with those that enjoy the same interest; instead of rotting away in front of a television set.  We discourage t.v. watching.  It is corrupted.  We are at war and there is no time to waste!  None!  We will be a busy, loving, community, helping each other as we move forward to influence our region, our country, and the world.  We will help the artists discover where their place is in the secular realm of life, if they are called to this by their King.  They will understand clearly that they are placed there as beacons of powerfilled light to bring their sphere of influence into the Kingdom of Heaven.  We will stand with them to accomplish this through prayer and prophetic strategic actions as our King leads.

We are called to host, nurture, protect, and serve our King's artists that He is calling at this time.  Your King wants you to rise up, go deep, ascend into the Heavenly realms, receive His gifts He has for you there, bring them back to earth and manifest them for all the world to experience.  Our regional outposts will be places where you can live and participate in community life if you so choose.  

We will host conferences all around the world to gather the artists worldwide into community where they can physically connect and then live in community together through the internet after they go back to their own countries.  Ministry teams will be at the conferences to prophecy destiny words to the artists and bring healing and deliverance where necessary.  The conferences will be spectacular convocations that will be known throughout the world for the incredible beauty, worship, and presence of our King.  Healings and deliverance will abound as we open up the heavenly realms and the glory of our King descends upon us as the worldwide Body of Christ joins together to honor, adore, and worship Him through all the diverse art forms on the earth.

We will have an internet based store and stores set up in our regional bases where people can purchase the anointed work our artists are producing.  We will align ourselves with brothers and sisters in Christ who live with the same dedication and focus of manifesting the Kingdom of God on the earth that own movie studios, clothing companies, publishing houses, recording studios, internet based stores, printing companies, manufacturing companies, and other culture influencing businesses in the arts and entertainment industry.  These entities will be vehicles to flow our destiny filled, divinely powerful, anointed, mature, artist's work through.  The supernatural anointing on the products will draw people into the Kingdom realm where they will be saved, delivered, and healed.

We will all grow deep in our love for God through much worship, prayer, study of His Word, fasting, and all the other spiritual disciplines He has given us to help us draw close to Him and get set free from all that hinders us.  We will study Hebrew so that we can access the truth of His scriptures more clearly and in more depth.   We will study our Hebrew roots for that is where Christianity has come from.  The Church has lost the understanding  that we are the One New Man, Jew and Gentile together.  We will proclaim the reality of the "One New Man" through the arts to help educate the Body of Christ concerning this very important end time strategy. We will stand with Israel through prayer and action as the Lord leads.  

We will learn to hear His voice well, know who we are and what we are called to do for our King.  We will move out in power through our destiny calls to bring the world into King Jesus' beautiful, love filled Kingdom, so He can return and take His place as the physically reigning Divine Monarch on the earth.

We will live in regional communities set in a Kingdom realm culture, where the regional youth and young adults can come, hang out in our community center/coffee shop/ diner/ book store/ art gallery, and library. They will be encouraged to participate in training in the physical side of knighthood and/or training in the arts. They will also be invited to participate in our performing arts troupe and any other endeavors the artists produce at the Order. They will grow in God and holiness through anointed teaching and live out the life of a knight in training in community with us and each other. The youth and young adults will also discover who they are in the Kingdom force of Heaven, be mentored by mature believers with similar gifting, and be released to influence the mind molder mountain their King has called them to invade; be it Education, Media, Government, Business, Family, Religion, or the Celebration (Arts and Entertainment) Mountain. These seven mountains are the culture shaping areas of every nation and God is calling His Bride to take them over. This is our King’s end time strategy to establish Himself as Ruler of the Nations.
We will touch the hearts of each region with the love of Christ through service to the young adults and youth as previously mentioned and the poor and needy by establishing day care facilities, food pantries, and free stores for clothing and home goods at our regional bases.
There is much work to do! We are going to bring a time of renaissance to our nations and the world! The King of Kings and Lord of Lords has set many strategies in place that have been being prepared for the last 20-30 years for this moment in history. The Order and the artist’s guild attached to the Order, is one of the pieces He has been divinely preparing for many years. 

Do not lose heart! Our King has overcome the world! Arise and shine for the light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! Take your place in the end time battle! Hurry up! This is our finest hour! All for One and One for all!
Are you called to be a part of this divinely orchestrated vehicle the Lord is birthing to influence the Celebration Mountain of your nation? If so, contact us atOrderoftheSaintsoftheHolyOne@gmail.com Please put "WFCA info" in the subject line.